Tuesday, March 6, 2012

This Week in Tarawa

This is Sisters Gardner, Tekiare and Balenacagi.  They were excited to show us their object lesson that they used for a lesson.  It is kind of like a magic show, and the "precise moment" must work.  Problem was, at the "precise moment" in their lesson..... it didn't work, and it was very embarrassing.  Oh well, like when you forget the punch line of a joke, things don't turn out and you can't tell it again.  But they had a big laugh anyway.     
Brother and Sister Campbell came to Tarawa for a visit.  When I heard there was someone coming on a "vacation" to Tarawa, I couldn't understand why.  Then I heard the rest of the story.  Brother Campbell was a high school teacher back in the 80s, and there was an opening at the Liahona High School in Tonga.  Well he applied for the temporary position and moved his family to Tonga.  At that same time, there were about 12 students from Kiribati attending.  Brother and Sister Campbell took them under their wings and made life long friends.  Fast forward 25 years.  Many of those 12 students are now teachers at Moroni High School.  So Sister Campbell gave Brother Campbell tickets to Tarawa for Christmas.  They met many of their old students and it was like a family reunion for all of them.  

While Brother Campbell was here, he gave us a lesson on Alma 22:27-35, whereby Mormon gives a detailed account of the layout of the land during the Book of Mormon time period.  Brother Campbell does not speculate on just where in the Americas Lehi settled, or where the Nephites and Lamanites fought battles, rather he has you draw your own map using these scriptures.  It was very interesting and informative and now as I read, I can visualize the lands and the movement of the people.
These are our gifts from Luke and Jake.  They are priceless pieces of artwork.  We so miss Luke and Jake and feel they are growing up so fast.  Thanks to Robyn and Matt for keeping us in their lives via skype.  

Elder Bush turned 21.  Happy Birthday.  Elder Bush will be going home in a few months.  His parents are coming to pick him up and spend a week in Tarawa.  It will be very neat for him to introduce them to his family away from home for the past 2 years.  

This is the Temaiku Branch Meeting House.  It is located on a beautiful stretch of beach on the far East end of the Island.  It feels much like Hawaii's North Shore with wind and waves.  We attended a baptism there.  And as you can see, they are in need of a new building.  The chairs are castoffs from Moroni High, the music is a boombox, and the floor and walls are plywood.  
This is the front door and exterior  
Sister Bonnemort and another sister sweeping the floor before the baptism.  
You do whatever needs to be done at the time, and Sister Bonnemort just picked up a broom and got busy.  
This is an exciting time for the Temaiku Branch.  They just broke ground on a new chapel.  It is right on the beach and will be done before we leave next year.  The members are so excited.  This is the only ward/branch on Tarawa that isn't in a new building.  

Our first baptism on the beach at the Temaiku Branch 
This is Elder Bush and Fitisimanu on baptism day.  The sun was just setting and the sea was calm.    
There is something very special about a ocean baptism.  I'm not sure if they will still be using the ocean once the new building is complete.  So we will be attending all that we can.  

Elder Bush had a bit of trouble getting this girl's feet to stay down with the waves, so an Elder from the branch went out to assist.  
OK, it was bound to happen with these roads.  I guess I really can't drive on the left.  Sister Bonnemort and I were driving home, and I went to turn into the gas station.  I didn't see an oncoming lady on a motorcycle.  She hit the driver's (right side here in Kiribati) bumper and did a summer salt over her bike, and landed on the hard sand driveway.  It happened so fast, but we jumped out of the car expecting the worse.  She was wearing a large backpack which might have helped her fall.  She was a bit dazed, and had big goose egg on her head and some road rash.  Sister Bonnemort went to get some ice from the gas station for her sprained wrist and ankle, but all they had was frozen cool-aid packs.  She bought them all and kept her quiet and still until the ambulance came.  Luckily, she was only driving about 15 MPH, when we collided.  It could have been much worse, but the roads are so bad here and so skinny, that one can't drive much faster than 20-30 in a car.  The Zone Leaders and I went to visit her at the hospital later.  We also went to her house a few days later to wrap her wrist with an ace bandage and took her some cookies. We are very thankful that she will recover and no lasting injuries.   

 New Missionaries to Kiribati.  This past week, we welcomed nine new missionaries.  Now you might think that isn't very many, but for our little part of the world, that is a big chunk.  I have their pictures posted on the wall and felt just like I had known them when I met them in person.  The first person out of Immigration was Elder Hosler, who is checking his bag.  Also in the picture is Elder Falke, who has been on Christmas Island for the last four months and just returned back to Tarawa.  Christmas Island is over 2000 miles away and a two day travel via Fiji.  If you want to take a boat to Christmas Island, it takes about two to three weeks...no thanks.  

 In this photo, we can see Elders Anderson, Simpson and Anderl greet Elders Falke, Hosler and Gawkoski

 Elder Hosler and Gawkoski
 Elder Joshua Whippy                    
 Elder Armstrong and Sister Tenoa
Elder Veikau, who is from Fiji.  He joined the church just over 1 year ago
Elder Falke, Elder Simpson, and Elder Gawkoski

 Elders Anderl and Wells
Elder Turner, who is back from Christmas Island is greeted by Elder Anderl

The boys with their toys.  Elder Anderl had a blast driving the truck for the luggage 

Look out dudes, I'm comin' thru...

Elders Whippy.  This is Elder Jared and Joshua Whippy from Fiji.  They are twins who were called to the same mission.  What are the chances?  They won't see much of each other as they will be serving on the outer islands of Aranuka and Marakei.  Aranuka is a new island for our missionaries.  Missionaires haven't been on Aranuka for about 5 years.  Elder Pearson, who has been serving as the AP in Majuro will be going out with Elder Joshua Whippy.
The new crew (notice it didn't take long for them to shed their coats).  Elder Joshua Whippy, Elder Wells, Sister Tekiaire, Elder Armstrong, Sister Tenoa, Elder Gawkoski, Elder Maddy, Elder Hosler, and Elder Veikau
Its been a long days night....After a long day, Elder Armstrong and Elder Maddy were sitting in our flat. They were trying so hard to be obedient and they were starting to try an study the Kiribati language.  I told them, that after getting up at 2am for the flight that morning and getting no sleep, they shouldn't try and learn any new language.  We gave them their pillows, and the next thing I knew they were sleeping like babies.
Elder Maddy didn't even need a couch...a chair was just fine
Nine come, another goes home.  We said goodbye to Elder Tiree this past week.  He is from Kiribati and only has to travel just down the road a bit to his home.  He wants to go to BYU-Hawaii.  We wish him the best.  It was fun to visit with him.  He really has good English.  That is Elder Norman giving him the thumbs up.  The is the universal gesture for "ok".  Elder Anderson on the couch doesn't seem to interested in the festivities....

We love you all and miss everyone


  1. So good to read about what is happening there! You are in our thoughts and prayers. Sorry about the accident.

  2. Thank you so much for posting the pics and stories. I was thrilled to see Elder Maddy aka "Our Son". It was so nice to share your blog with all of our families. Sorry to see that packages are taking that long to reach you though. Can't wait for the next blog!

    Michelle Maddy
