Friday, October 28, 2011

We made it to Tarawa

After 2 1/2 days of flying, and staying in Hawaii, and Fiji, we landed in Tarawa at 7am, just in time to see the sunset from the air

 Our home in Tarawa
 Tarawa from the air

Shelley at the airport

Sunrise over the Pacific on the plane just before our arrival on Tarawa 

Our home for the next 2 years.  This is very comfortable and clean.  There are 9 of these homes along the shore on the campus of Moroni High School.  The Church opened this high school about 20 years ago and students from all over Kiribati come to school.  There are dorms for them to stay.  They have about 400 students.  They will be leaving in 2 weeks for summer break and won't be back until February. 
 A view of the classrooms
A view just outside our door.  Tennis/basketball courts.  They are just learning to play tennis, and have a new tennis couch


  1. So happy to see you made it safely. Can't wait to hear about all your adventures

  2. if only you had those tennis rackets..hahaha.

  3. Be happy! We pray for you and we know how lucky those elders and sisters are to have you,

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. What a beautiful place to serve. looks like you still have a smile on your face. We'll be following you two..Ross and Margaret.
    Specialized Optical

  6. Oh Happy Day!
    You Got There Safe
    And You're Both OK!
    Have been w/o modern communication for several weeks but after about 90 minutes tonight i have found you and hopefully this time (#3) can succesfully post a comment.
    Your photos and commentary are so delightful and I am certain that legion of angels is still with you. Does it help to be left-handed now that you drive on the left-side?...just a thought
    love and misses Jo-Jo
